
Eels Lake is beautiful in the morning sun. I was up early to sit on the dock and watch the mist rise off the glassy surface of the lake. The island across the way stands sentinel to the silence.

Surprisingly I was up before Paul but he might have heard me trying to figure out his coffee maker because it wasn’t long before he was bringing me a cup. Buster was the last to get up. He loves Eels Lake and had spent a lot of time reacquainting himself with the beach and the bushes yesterday so I guess he needed a bit more sleep.

I was itching to check up on Dad and Mom so packed up the car and headed into Bancroft early. Mom was looking good – all tanned and relaxed. She loves to sit in the sun on her side porch and does it a lot. I have never been able to do that. I just turn into a beet and then peel like an onion. It’s not fair.

I visited Dad in the nursing home – he’s sleeping a lot these days and I am not sure he knew me. They are keeping him as comfortable as possible there and Mom spends her afternoons at his side.

She knew we were anxious to get home so encouraged us to get on our way before the traffic got too bad. So we did.

And now we are HOME! We did it Buster! We put well over 12,000 kilometres on the car – the odometer clicked over the 100,000 mark somewhere between Wisconsin and Michigan. We had adventures. We had a fair amount of rain but also quite a bit of sunshine. It was never stinking hot but we did have a couple of mosquito moments when I just had to wear my bug jacket. Buster did get sick but he got over it. The scenery was spectacular. And I feel like we have only just seen the tip of the iceberg. There is so much more to do and see!

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